How to Make a ReleaseΒΆ

A core developer should use the following steps to create a release of ctk-cli.

  1. Configure ~/.pypirc as described here.

  2. Make sure that all CI tests are passing.

  3. Tag the release. Requires a GPG key with signatures. For version X.Y.Z:

    git tag -s -m "ctk-cli X.Y.Z" X.Y.Z upstream/master
  4. Create the source tarball and binary wheels:

    git checkout master
    git fetch upstream
    git reset --hard upstream/master
    rm -rf dist/
    python sdist bdist_wheel
  5. Upload the packages to the testing PyPI instance:

    twine upload --sign -r pypitest dist/*
  6. Check the PyPI testing package page.

  7. Upload the packages to the PyPI instance:

    twine upload --sign dist/*
  8. Check the PyPI package page.

  9. Make sure the package can be installed:

    mkvirtualenv test-pip-install
    pip install ctk_cli
    rmvirtualenv test-pip-install